Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2010 Census is Nearly Here and It's Time to Queer It

If you've been watching the Olympics (and probably even if you haven't) you've seen the ads for the upcoming census. This enormous project has a huge influence on how federal money flows to the states, how civil rights laws are enforced and other crucial social and civil issues.

LGBT communities need to be part of the count

Equality Federation is a member of the Our Families Count Partnership which wants to bring more LGBT visibility to this snapshot of America. You can hear Che Ruddell-Tabisola, from Our Families Count on the Windy City Queercast on why it's important for all of us to get counted.

The Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) has joined in partnership with the US Census and OFC to get their congregants and communities counted.

If you're on Facebook (and who isn't?) become a fan of Queer the Census. And be sure to be counted in 2010.

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